Wednesday, May 30, 2007


An interesting pic that i took at the supermarket..
its called NICE biscuits..wat?!?! hahahhaha...

It has been raining on and off the past few days and it got really cold today..
Michelle and i attempted to hide behind each other at the bustop..BUT the wind blew from all directions. so no use. loL!
winter is coming! so are the assignment deadlines and the dreaded exams.

During these times , a common phrase is heard "i think we really need to pray".
As much as i agree with that, but its kinda irritating to hear it coz God is more often then not treated like a vending machine. you mean in "good" times we don't need to pray?

I too fall into that sometimes. but lets remember that we're in a relationship with God! we need to walk and talk with him all the time.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Aussie greetings Part 2

Thank God! We finally finished Advanced property assignment 2!!! woohoO!!
the max number of words was 8000 BUT! we wrote i think 16000 words.
hopefully my lecturer won't be too strict. My classmates and were joking that maybe he'll grade the assignment by throwing it. IF it lands nearer to him..then it'll get a higher grade coz means heavier and more pages ahhaah!

My group's report was a market analysis of retail complexes like shopping centres etc..If u mentioned "retail" or "shopping Centre" now. i think we'll really puke.

I shall share teh 2nd segment of funny aussie greetings..

when we're leaving and going back to our own homes

Aussie : See ya later! have a good day!
Asian : you too!
Asian says to another fren : hey hey wait.. we seeing them later meh? i thought all of us going home liao?

wahahahah! actually they dun really mean that. SO wierd!

till then..

Monday, May 14, 2007

joke of the day

"Hey! the question 8 on standard deviation is wrong leh!"

thats the most dreaded thing that i want to hear but i heard it alrite..
here i go again clicking the numbers and functions in excel.

Michelle is pacing up and down and giving out frustrated sighs
the sammi is singing at the top of her lungs..which i guess would be in frustration also..and what am i doing?? BLOGGING. lOL! or should i say..(acting not stress but actually am..) almost pulling all the hairs out of my head..literally.

Persevere!!! Or should i say preserve haha..

Friend : we must preserve on man!
Sarah : HUh? what preserve??
Friend : preserve la mustnot give up continue doing..
Sarah : u mean PERSEVERE?! wahahahaha!
Friend : wah die many of my friend's frenster testimonials i keep telling them to preserve leh! ahhhhh!


Thursday, May 10, 2007


ITs about 2.30am now..Why am i still awake?! haha..
Just finished practicing a presentation for my Property Research Module with Sammi and Michelle. (My housemates and coursemates). We actually wore our presentation clothes and practiced hahahah! so siao rite...

Must share with u all some funny aussie greetings that were a bit queer at first but after being here for a while we've kinda gotten used to it..

Aussie : Hey! How're you going!
Sarah : (thinking in my mind..) Huh go where? i usually go by bus..

What he really meant : Hey! How have you been?
Sarah : Aiya just say how have you been la..what how are you going, go where?? cheem..

Will share more funny phrases soon! keep a lookout haa..

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Where's your heart at?

Was feeling frustrated about eveything this past 2 weeks..screaming at the Lord for an answer.
He just told me to Keep quiet, be still and hear his voice.

The Lord started bringing stuff out onto the surface. about what the real condition of my heart is. As i was at the bus stop today, wrote these words...

I come into your presence with my hands lifted up
where's your heart at you ask and i got stuck
forms and acts of worship you don't require
but sincerity and brokeness is what you desire

where's your heart at when you clap your hands?
where's your heart at when you close your eyes and the tears flow?
where's your heart at when you sing a new nice song?
My Lord, my God you see through my soul
In the stillness you quietly beckon me to hear your voice and let it calm my soul

Quite emo rite..lOL! but its really what the Lord is speaking to me..
Think we must all learn to take time and pause to really listen to read God's word and hear what he has to say to us at this moment.