Monday, July 24, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen! School is officially open for me!!

HOw exciting! (Self psychoing...learn from sherm hahaha...)
Actually its not really self psychoing but rather looking at it from a different perspective.
Praise the Lord that he has brought me through 1 semester , it has been and will continue to be a tough journey.

Many people say that "studying overseas? easy one la..." i beg to differ.
but maybe it just me? the assignments seem more difficult and lectures difficult to understand (not taking into account the lecturer's accent haha..). have to handle people to people relationships. SOmtimes i just wonder how i'm going to get through it.

However in the midst of these situations, God grace , mercy and faithfulness continue to be evident. I really cannot do it on my own and began to depend on him more.

In learning to handle different situations and emotions, God revealed how flawed i am.
I used to think that i was "ok". Able to handle emotions just went all downhill when i came here..haha..

This statement from Rick warren struck me a lot. "God is interested in building your character and not making you comfortable" (Rick Warren, 2006)

I'm definitely not comfortable at this moment.
Pray with me that the Lord would continue to work in and through me for his purposes.
and that i would face each day with Joy!

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