Monday, August 21, 2006

Shen4 Chu4 yuan2 Shou3..

When i was on my way to "The Idea of North" concert on saturday.
I got bitten on my hand by an insect. I initially thought that it was
just a normal mosquito bite and i was telling myself, Whoa its only my 2nd time being bitten by a mosquito here in oz land woohoo! haha...

IT went flat after a while..but the next day..... my hand started swelling....
then i used it to tell my housemates about the doraemon joke
i can actually show and tell the yuan shou part! lol..

I went to the doctor's on sunday waited for like 2 hrs..and then i only saw the doc for like 5 mins ahahah!
doc said its nothing major. prob got a sting or something. so i'm suppose to monitor if the swelling gets bigger.
Can fight with Daryl's doraemon hand liao..ahahahha!

However, the concert was fantastic man! I watched it at Elder Hall, a music conservatorium at the University of Adelaide.
The acoustics were really good..and the best part was that "The idea of north" were super on pitch man. The performance was just superb..

The idea of north are an Australian Accapella Group/Jazz Quartet.
Those who love accapella must absolutely listen to them..

For now...admire my fist..loL!

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