Thursday, May 10, 2007


ITs about 2.30am now..Why am i still awake?! haha..
Just finished practicing a presentation for my Property Research Module with Sammi and Michelle. (My housemates and coursemates). We actually wore our presentation clothes and practiced hahahah! so siao rite...

Must share with u all some funny aussie greetings that were a bit queer at first but after being here for a while we've kinda gotten used to it..

Aussie : Hey! How're you going!
Sarah : (thinking in my mind..) Huh go where? i usually go by bus..

What he really meant : Hey! How have you been?
Sarah : Aiya just say how have you been la..what how are you going, go where?? cheem..

Will share more funny phrases soon! keep a lookout haa..

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