Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Leave it all behind now..

Its funny how the past comes to haunt us again.
Past experiences, relationships etc..
while its nice to reminisce on the past is it robbing you of your future?

Sentimental? i dun think so.. clinging on to the past? haha most likely..
As doubts keep coming into my mind on whether i want to stay on.
At the back of it is the voice that says, "why do you still question? Step by faith into it!"

uncertainty, fear.

Where is God in all of this?
he is there waiting for me to give it all to him, waiting for me to stop rattling off with the "what if's" and sit still to listen to him.

I guess i've been too concerned about "where" he wants me to be in the physical, but rather i've missed out the most impt part - He is more concerned about my relationship with him and building my character.

ALWAYS Shouting at myself endlessly..."come on Sarah!!!! Just do it LA~"

Hopefully my response will not be.....*walking around in circles* Again..

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