Tuesday, December 18, 2007
In Adelaide
trying to amuse myself after a long day on the road. getting easily annoyed. (what a brat..loL)
yes i know i'm out sightseeing and playing BUT...well well stuff happened......:(
Its been great having Mum and Sherm around. Dad's coming tomrorow..WoohoO!
HAd an opportunity to spend sometime with lilian as well. Politest gal in the world man! haha..We went to harbourtown for a bit of shopping and later on up to a Suburb called Lobathol where a majority of the houses in that suburb put out elaborate christmas lights! its actually a tourist attraction and throngs of cars travel up there each year to soak in the christmas atmosphere. Will post pics soon!!
Been thinking about Faithfulness. Its something that i want to continue in this coming year. Faithful in what he has called me to do. I had a misconception in the past about goal of faithfulness being in doing work or stuff for God. I learnt today that faithfulness is HE being able to work his way in us.
We can sing songs every week in church about How great God is, how we wanna surrender our all to him.
then when things happen, we wanna take control, we get angry with God.
we forget about all we have sang.
I always wonder why these situations arise but i guess if it dosen't, there is no "opportunity" to exercise that faithfulness.
DOn't you thank God that he dosen't give up on us??
Thursday, December 06, 2007
BAck here and BAck there again.
I don't know my way around singapore anymore!
Put me in the middle of orchard road and i might pass off as a tourist.sars!!
Been running around with Dazz and Gloria the pass few days trying to get materials for Christmassing (www.christmassing.blogspot.com)Costumes. From Concourse to Plaza sing and finally we got it at stationary stores just around church! we had fun didn't we gals?? lol.. had an opportunity to hear dazz order cai fan in english wahaahaha! HILARIOUS.
It has just been great hanging out with them, hearing about what happened in the past year, to sharing about our plans and what God has placed in our hearts. Whats more encouraging is just hearing their concern for the youths and their desire to help them in their walk with the Lord! i can leave assurredly now. hehe..
I've got 3 days left...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Anticipate my retun..LOL!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Psalm 16
1 Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge.
2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."
3 As for the saints who are in the land,
they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight. [b]
4 The sorrows of those will increase
who run after other gods.
I will not pour out their libations of blood
or take up their names on my lips.
5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the grave, [c]
nor will you let your Holy One [d] see decay.
11 You have made [e] known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
PRaise the Lord! :)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I'm back!
i am back on the Sunny Island!!
Just when i thought that its cooler then Adelaide, the Humidity hit me!!
Thats something i really can't take it this time.
Not to mention the mosquitoes!! arghh!
Been on a "meeting up with people before they leave" mode.
haha..Its been great just meeting up with Old frens..
eating all the unhealthy but scrumptous SG food..Chicken Rice, Hokkien Mee, rochor beancurd,Prata,teh Cino Ice,NAsi Goreng, Thosai etc etc etc..
Of course not forgetting people in Adelaide...I'll be back soon! muahhaha..
16 days left..
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Birthd..there's something even more exciting.
This year felt longer then last year. However, it has been more fruitful too!
Been really blessed to be part of Edge church and growing together with a fantastic group of gals in the connect group! The Lord has blessed me through each of you.
Almost everyone is leaving for home today. Sob sob..
however, i'm looking forward to see what the Lord is gonna do in our lives even during the hol's . We serve an awesome God!!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
So it goes
I'm only left with 1 exam!
I must tell about my drama filled day.
I was on my way to the city at about 3.30pm..Ok i was on my way to the gym(dun ask me why i went to the gym all of a sudden..haha..)
i was at the bus stop waiting for the bus and it took longer then usual, i think i waited for about 20 mins. There was another lady there too..
She was reading some documents and i was there reading a newspaper.
Suddenly i heard a big vehicle drive past the stop, when i looked up
after watching helplessly, i immediately turned and the lady and i stared at each other.
Lady : Did we just miss the bus? (In utter disbelieve)
Me : Yeah! it just drove past us! (In UTTEREREST disbelieve)
Lady : ahh! I'm rushing for an appointment!! I thought you were looking out for it!
Me : I thought You were looking out for it too!
She immediately stomped off to try to hitch a ride from a car parked by the side of the road (Whoa this woman quite daring ah..i thought this only happened in movies) T
The drama dosen't end here.....
I immediately called Mich to complain coz i really couldn't believe it.
Immediately after hanging up, i suddenly choked and kept coughing..I thought that i had like choked on my saliva or something and felt like an Loser hahahaha!
thereafter i felt something in my mouth and spit it out on my hand Guess what it was??
It was a fly. YES A FLY! YUCKS!!!!! (x10000000000000000000000000)
What a day.
Lesson to learn:
DUn depend on other commuters to look out for the bus
and in the state of utter disbelieve, dun open your mouth too big
Friday, November 02, 2007
I just finished one that was about Australian politics and the different policies that the parties promised for the coming elections..*Clueless*
The only thing i know about it is John Howard!!
Anyways..After trudging through that i'm finally down to my last one due on MOnday!
Then its just the exams left!! not that i'm really excited about it but at least i can take a break from the continous brain wrecking and frantic googling and reading.
for a while..for a short while. i promise!! haha..
typing my thoughts aloud.
sadly in the midst of all the busyness, i;ve given God the backseat. When i sing, my mind is somewhere else, when i pray its always about God help me in this and that. Its so conditional and hypocritical. HOw can i be asking and leading others to worship and to love him when i myself dun show it?? Lord how can you love people like us, when on one hand we can be singing that we love and trust and have faith in you and when we turn around we worry where our life is going, about finances, condemning ppl, thinking the worse of them etc.I'm guilty of that too.
i fail to recognise sometimes that its a JOurney that we're all on, i don't just get instant results. When i sing i love him, there would be situations for me to exercise that. Trials come to prove that our faith is genuine. If we just bailed out on God during difficult times, we never really believed at all i guess.
Having to think of many adult things now is taking a toll on my mind.ahhh
I will bless the LOrd at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth
(Psalm 34:1)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thats what frens are for..
its due to this disease called ER-Sigh-N-merns (Read it out loud..) anybody know a cure for it?? haha..
just been thinking about Friendships.
Its funny how in primary school we think that we'll be best frens forever with the best fren of that time. then you have a new bestie in secondary school, and in Junior College/Polytechnic then Uni or at work or at church etc.
The somehow along the way after graduation, everyone goes their seperate way with tears and hugs..and promises of "hey i dun care we must find time to hang out la.." then after a period of time when you call them, they HANG UP.
ok i'm exaggerating. but i mean how many frens from Pri and Sec sch do you still keep in contact with? I guess everyone just finds new frens in different seasons of their life. BUt Thank God some frens are really here to stay for life man.. its that kind that no matter how long a period of time you are away , you still Remain besties! Thank God that i have a few frens like that.
I am a person that thrives on friendships and being with people. Many say that i have lots of friends..correction!..the matter of fact is that i have lots of acquaintances..but few friends.
Friends are people that
1) can Pour out my heart to
2) can Share my Joy with
3) when i'm frustrated will hear it first hand haha..
4) Can winch and whine when i'm not happy
i think these are the typical criteria that most of us have..
In fact..To me..Friends are people that..
1) will Spend time with you (talk serious or talk nonsense also can..haha..)
2) Share weaknesses with and wouldn't judge
3) Can laugh until stomachache,cry until eyes pop out,sarcastic but won't get offended (Speak for youself sarah! lol..)
4) Encourage you not boost your Ego
5) Listen to your frustrations but Do not feed your self pitying or self condemnation
6) Allow you to have other frens and not get jealous
7) Challenge you to grow in God!
Issit too strict? I guess i can't expect everyone to be perfect, but by far all my Friends have been like that..Really Thank God for them
Well i really hope that i would be a fren like that most importantly Love at all times.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Think i'm having the i'm-gonna-graduate-soon-so-what-should-i-do-next syndrome.
Dun worry all of u sure kena one way or another..loL!
Sure we all have goals and ambitions of being this and that..But how about what God wants? I had or should i say i'm having that "dilemma". of course getting a job would be necesary..haha..But seriously.
Lord what do u want me to do?
This is a time where all the advice i get seem to be feasible, mind you they are not answers that are clearly right and wrong.(I wish.)
However not all answers that sound correct are God answers.
Praise the Lord for allowing me to witness that.
Read an email today that reminded me again to get on my knees before the Lord.
Not to just seek him for what he can do but seek him for who he is.
On another note, just seeing lives transformed by the Lord is so encouraging!
There's just a new sparkle, new bounce in that person's steps as they realise that the LOrd has a customised plan for their lives and everything that they go through is directed by the Lord.
Discipleship is not a ritual, its a relationship.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My Anchor
My mind is going in all directions ahhhhhhhhh!
Must be what i prayed the other day.
In my heart of hearts, LOrd i'm giving you my all,
laying it all down, whatever it takes Lord.
Mould me shape me.
Feeling the effects of it
Lord! the Mould is in a very odd shape la!
Very pain already.
After struggling to quieten myself down to hear what the LOrd is saying..
He's holding my hand :)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Another Post.
Guess who are frens 1 and 2! haha..
This pic is taken at Glenelg during Jeb's bday!
Fren 1 : Hey faster go buy that Louie Giglio DVD leh..that INCREDIBLE presentation
Sarah : Its INDESCRIBABLE.............whahahaha!
Fren 1 : Aiya similar la...just couldn't think of the word!
Sarah : This is so going on my blog!!
Fren 2 : Hey wat do you call those cars with the rounded backs..
Sarah : Huh?? wat rounded backs?
Fren 2 : aiya that one la! the wat ah..Hunchback isit?
Sarah : hunchback??? HATCHBACK LA! ahahhahahah!
Thats all folks till we meet again on....
"My hilarious frens who crack me up with words they use!"
*music fade out*
Well on a serious note again..haha
This 2 weeks of holidays have been quite "eventful".
Firstly we had connect group for once without the leader! *runs ard like a mad pok*
honestly i felt very inadequate, unsure whether or not i would be able to handle it.
People might say "aiya, its not the first time you are doing this wat.."
But its different la really! As i thought back, i realised GOd is just answering what i prayed for..haha!- being able to work with my peers.
We had a good meeting despite my inadequacy,technical difficulties, all because the Lord was the one that orchestrated it!
There's still a lot to learn and the devil has a way for getting to me mentally about my weaknesses but in all circumstances i know that the Lord is moulding and shaping me.
It is kind of a inward battle to remind myself of who i am in Christ and that despite my weaknesses God can work in and thru me for his glory.
Ok it is official that i have shingles and that is what have been messing me up mentally and emotionally. PMS has been wrongly accused of being the culprit haha..
The funny thing is that i had the rash for quite sometime already and i thought i badly strained my waist muscle..
Thank God for frens who are doctors!!and of course doctors to be. and! pharmacist And! of course the property valuer..haha..
Doctor Khow and Doctor Lau unanimously diagnosed shingles with just one look! haha..
They graciously allowed me to stay at their place and brought me to the hospital
THANK YOu!! The rashes are starting to dry up but the pain is coming..wierd..but the Lord has been sustaining me. Praise Be to Him!!
In the midst of changing circumstances, i have a hope , an anchor for the soul,firm and secure - in Christ.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Leave it all behind now..
Past experiences, relationships etc..
while its nice to reminisce on the past is it robbing you of your future?
Sentimental? i dun think so.. clinging on to the past? haha most likely..
As doubts keep coming into my mind on whether i want to stay on.
At the back of it is the voice that says, "why do you still question? Step by faith into it!"
uncertainty, fear.
Where is God in all of this?
he is there waiting for me to give it all to him, waiting for me to stop rattling off with the "what if's" and sit still to listen to him.
I guess i've been too concerned about "where" he wants me to be in the physical, but rather i've missed out the most impt part - He is more concerned about my relationship with him and building my character.
ALWAYS Shouting at myself endlessly..."come on Sarah!!!! Just do it LA~"
Hopefully my response will not be.....*walking around in circles* Again..
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Holiday! Celebrate!
Me: why so good one?!?
Friend : You also on holiday wat..
Me:issit? Oh i knew!
It sounds so cliche but i've to say it..
Time FLIES............FAster then the the bullet train in Japan.
Before i know it, i would have graduated, started working, find a husband settle down, have a few kids. hahaahhaha! ..yeah rite....
Well, i'm waiting for SOME ppl to get married before me *hint*
Kinda worried about whats gonna happen in the next phase of my life.
I have an idea of what i wanna do etc..BUT lotsa questions still flooding my mind , whether or not its the right decision, then Family how?
Yes asking God for more confirmation..(haha some of you are gonna laugh at me again loL!) Horrible rite..when God dosen't say things that we want, we keep questioning asking, finding excuses. The ultimate response its just to believe and Obey.
So easy yet so hard. Hard because we do not fear God to obey at once.
THank God that he is patient with us, but lets not take it for granted..
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Fren 1 :Don't you find that when you do very exciting things rite..You get a Hydraline rush??
Sarah : What?!?!? Andrenaline la!!!! wahhahaahahahha!
Fren 1 : Oh issit? but got such word as Hydraline rite??
Sarah : -_-"
The next one needs a little background..
One of the Pastors in the church is moving to a place called BRISTOL in UK , to plant a church and he recently went there to settle some stuff and check the place out.
Fren 2 : Who preached at evening service?
Sarah : Pastor Nick..
Fren 2 : Oh Pastor Nick is back from Brittle already ah?
Sarah : wahhahahahaha is BRISTOL la!!
Fren 2 : Oh....*sheepish look*
All : Hey did u all see the eclipse yesterday?
Fren 3 : Yeah we did , we saw the belt of Orizon also!
All : Orizon?? Belt of ORION la!
wahahhahah! all these happened in a span of 1 week. Imagine how strong my stomach muscles became after all of it loL!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Creator King
Ministry to young people! woohoo!
In the presentation, He showed many images of pictures taken by NASA.

Beautiful image of earth taken by the Apollo 17 Space mission

The Solar system where earth is

The Milky Way, our home galaxy! can't really see where we are. The solar system belongs in this galaxy and it can't even be seen..The milky way is home to dunno how many billion stars and the milky way is only 1 of the MANY galaxies in the Universe leh!! sars!!

Whirlpool Galaxy , another massive galaxy in the Universe
These are just a few of the images that was shown, as i begin to see the images, it just made me marvel at how great God is!
the following picture just blew me away la..One of the space shuttle missions were instructed to take a panoramic view of the Universe. That shuttle took 60 shots consecutively each picture was 640,000 megapixels. Our good cameras only take the most 10 Megapixels? each shot took 5 and 1/2 hrs to be sent back to earth. and this is what the shuttle captured.

Can u believe it? this is what it captured and guess what the Pale blue Dot is...
I was really like floored man. I didn't get shocked because of "wah liao so empty ah..nothing to see one." I was shocked as i began to see how big and vast the Universe was and how small earth is, and if earth is so small, we human beings are even smaller!!! It really put the verse below into perspective.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8:3-4)
How great God is and how small we are..Not even a speck of dust.But God made each of us, called us by name, planned our lives for us, desires to have a relationship with us, Gave his ONLY son to die for our sins. why? Simply because he loves us.
I just bawled my eyes after the presentation was finished.
Felt unworthy of him, undeserving of his grace and mercy.
HOw can la God, you can just blot us out anytime.
But he didn't..
I guess i probably didn't know how GREAT GREAT God is till now..

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.(Romans 5:8)
Before i knew him, he already died for me.
Guess wat? He died for you too.
The one who set the planets , galaxies and the whole universe in place is in hot pursuit of us, he wants to know you :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Sydney Day 1 er 2...er forget already.

At MArket City!

I haven had good sashimi in a long time. seriously.

At the Train station near the Sydney fish market!
get ready for some seafood action..hehe..
First we take a pic overlooking the harbour. issit a harbour..anyways this is where the fish market is located la. lol..

The Seafood platter!! muahahhaha...Got Fish,calamari,mussels,octopus,Big prawns,fries etc etc...

Oyster woohoo! (See my happy like toad face.

no need to say more..haa..

come..all eat together more fun..Ann me and Lily, ppl who know how to enjoy oysters loL!

Issit really nice??..(haiyoh see all thes food faced ppl..hahaha..)

Bagus!! NIce man! Lily eat until wanna puke..Dun waste!!
Off to the Sydney Olympic stadium for the start of the conference..
INside the stadium..

Clowning around at the train station before going back..wah so heavy lOL!
End of Day...1 er 2!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
i realised we didn't take any pics at the airport..how could we forget?! lol..
This is the backpackers hostel room that we stayed in..looks older then the picture in the website!! My bedsheet still got 1 cigerette hole in it..LOL! but still ok la..haha..at least got bed to sleep :)
In our beautiful rooM! There was no cupboard but there was this "container" thingey underneath the bed to store our stuff..
Outside the central station waiting for the shuttle bus to Hillsong Church.
This is Lisa and me at this supposedly famous Tim sum place in town, there were at least a million ppl(ok exaggeration..) queueing la.Thank God we made reservations. after eating it, the conclusion was that it was ok only haha..
Kareeann and me..At a shopping area in the city, looks a bit like rundle mall.
At a flea market near "the rocks", ok for better reference its somewhere near the Sydney opera house la haha..
Behold! the Opera house! kept standing by Kareeann..wahahahha!
Pic at of the Harbour bridge at sunset..in case you're wondering why aren't i in any of these pictures..its because i wasn't there!! Went off halfway to meet up with Dorcas..hee..
Sydney at night..
Ok end of day 1 pictures..ok more like i will continue uploading another day coz i wanna zzzz now..wahhahaha!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Summary of Holiday
I'm over and done with it and Praise God for the results!
Thanks to all who prayed for me, God has once again showed himself to be faithful :)
Some must be wondering, so what have i been doing for 3 weeks?!
Look at the pics!

At the dumpling Shop at Chinatown

Thats me Kristel and Ben at the main gate of china town.
The Chans came to visit! When Ben started updating me about S&P peeps, i was really sad and missed all of them...sigh! All your fault la Ben! nevertheless we had quite a good time catching up haha..come again! lol..
Next visitor is Xinjun aka Estelle! She came for about 10 days. Unfortunately she became sick on the first and last 2 days on the trip. It was a SICK holiday lol!
This picture is taken at Rundle Mall. Funny coz we set out to shop but in the end sit in the food court and eat. then had like 1 hr to shop only wahhahah!
the only pictures missing are the pictures from the hillsong conference.
Will post them up soon! when the people with the camera gives them to me loL!
More "serious" posts will be coming up, so look out for it.
(hopefully i won't take like more then a month AGAIN)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Living a Holy Life
BUt as time passes, God began to reveal to me that i'm NOT.
I'm not living a holy life i thought i had.
I'm not the nicest person i thought i was.
I didn't have faith in God that i thought i had!
As God revealed this to me in different circumstances, i am completely humbled.
Stripped down to the barest of bare. Time to reflect right down from basics.
Not just reflect on what i have learnt.but reflect on what should have been done. THings that i already know yet not doing it.
How does my life reflect on my GOd? Will people see me and Glorify God?
That is something that God has been speaking to me about. Simple and basic as it is..but Thank God that he is correcting me and moulding me into christlikeness day by day. Amen!!
Today we had CG meeting at the Village (student accomodation for Uni Adelaide students..). We shared about what God has been speaking or teaching us since the last time we met. it was really different from the last time we met!
All of us are at different stages of our walk with God but
everyone came prepared to share. Just eager and ready to hear from each other and encourage one another!
As i hear and see how God has been speaking to each of us indiviually,i am encouraged and just screaming out in thanks and Praise to God when people were sharing lOL! (COntained excitement.)
some shared about not just loving God but being IN LOVE with God.
Another shared about not just wanting to know God but having an intimate relationship with him.
Some of the gals have just grown so much since the beginning of this year and it just gonna be exciting to see what the Lord is going to do in each life as we yield ourselves to him and make a decision to die to self daily..
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Freak out!
1 down and 3 to go!!
Monday - Property Management
Tuesday- Advanced Property Valuation
Next next thursday - Property investment
One requires lots of memorising and the other lots of calculations.
people who know me well would know that
i can't do calculations properly AND to make things worse i have a short term memory!!! my goodness how "good" can the exam schedule get?! I'm starting to freak out...
As i wallow in self pity and endless winching (still finding time to blog lOL! tsk!)
I'm constantly reminded of my need to trust in the Lord.
Not just saying it but trusting him with ALL MY HEART.
It may seem quite impossible to get thru all the studying...BUT i know the Lord will see me through this period. I just have to be dilligent with the Time i'm left with.
Ok so......gonna get my butt back to studying.
Pray with me pls!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
My heart sings!
I feel my heart sing!
Praises! My Lord and King!
The Wonder, The majesty!
Welcome the King of Glory In
Every Tribe and tongue
Every Land will sing your praise
To the end of time we'll sing
All majesty
To the God of creation!
All majesty
God of all generations
This anthem we sing
To the GOd of all nations
All Majesty
We sing!
Sounds very techno rite??
How can praise and worship songs be like that?! i cannot take it man..
I dun agree with the style, its just too Noisy.
*Ting*(Fairy wand sound haha)
THis was what i thought last year.
In 2008! this is the very song that the Lord used to bring out that Joy that made me want to jump and sing in his presence!
During service on sunday, we were singing the usual songs (in edge church we usually learn 2 or 3 new songs and keep singing it for about 1-2 months before changing..)
Then the worship leader said that today we'll sing an old song. i was thinking would it be songs like Trust and obey or something, but it turned out to be Majesty by Planet shakers! Jasmine and i were like..this song is old meh? it came out like last year only..in my mind i was thinking..aiyo this techno song again..i dun think i can bring myself to sing it. anyways i am gonna sing unto the LOrd no matter wat!
as we got to the chorus, i felt my heart leapt and i really wanted to jump! Not because the people were jumping around me but i really WANTED to! but i was scared of what people might think. so i just claped. when the song ended, i "regretted" not jumping. It has not been a normal "practice" to jump dance and sing in my idea of praise and worship, but think about it if you're really happy about something, wouldn't u like jump and say yay!!
In the same way, if you're really happy about praising the Lord, why aren't we expressing ourselves in the same way?
I had another opportunity during evening service and they played Majesty again!!
I was telling God this time i'm gonna jump with all i have! dun care if people are watching me..i'm singing and jumping to my Audience of ONE! It just came naturally, not a "jump because everyone else is doing it". All throughout the night i couldn't help but singing the song over again and bouncing on the way home! and coercing my housmate to jump with me..SHe was like "Sarah you very high today man!"
yup!! because i'm singing to the MOST HIGH GOD!! haha..
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

An interesting pic that i took at the supermarket..
its called NICE biscuits..wat?!?! hahahhaha...
It has been raining on and off the past few days and it got really cold today..
Michelle and i attempted to hide behind each other at the bustop..BUT the wind blew from all directions. so no use. loL!
winter is coming! so are the assignment deadlines and the dreaded exams.
During these times , a common phrase is heard "i think we really need to pray".
As much as i agree with that, but its kinda irritating to hear it coz God is more often then not treated like a vending machine. you mean in "good" times we don't need to pray?
I too fall into that sometimes. but lets remember that we're in a relationship with God! we need to walk and talk with him all the time.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Aussie greetings Part 2
the max number of words was 8000 BUT! we wrote i think 16000 words.
hopefully my lecturer won't be too strict. My classmates and were joking that maybe he'll grade the assignment by throwing it. IF it lands nearer to him..then it'll get a higher grade coz means heavier and more pages ahhaah!
My group's report was a market analysis of retail complexes like shopping centres etc..If u mentioned "retail" or "shopping Centre" now. i think we'll really puke.
I shall share teh 2nd segment of funny aussie greetings..
when we're leaving and going back to our own homes
Aussie : See ya later! have a good day!
Asian : you too!
Asian says to another fren : hey hey wait.. we seeing them later meh? i thought all of us going home liao?
wahahahah! actually they dun really mean that. SO wierd!
till then..
Monday, May 14, 2007
joke of the day
thats the most dreaded thing that i want to hear but i heard it alrite..
here i go again clicking the numbers and functions in excel.
Michelle is pacing up and down and giving out frustrated sighs
the sammi is singing at the top of her lungs..which i guess would be in frustration also..and what am i doing?? BLOGGING. lOL! or should i say..(acting not stress but actually am..) almost pulling all the hairs out of my head..literally.
Persevere!!! Or should i say preserve haha..
Friend : we must preserve on man!
Sarah : HUh? what preserve??
Friend : preserve la mustnot give up continue doing..
Sarah : u mean PERSEVERE?! wahahahaha!
Friend : wah die liao..in many of my friend's frenster testimonials i keep telling them to preserve leh! ahhhhh!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Just finished practicing a presentation for my Property Research Module with Sammi and Michelle. (My housemates and coursemates). We actually wore our presentation clothes and practiced hahahah! so siao rite...
Must share with u all some funny aussie greetings that were a bit queer at first but after being here for a while we've kinda gotten used to it..
Aussie : Hey! How're you going!
Sarah : (thinking in my mind..) Huh go where? i usually go by bus..
What he really meant : Hey! How have you been?
Sarah : Aiya just say how have you been la..what how are you going, go where?? ..so cheem..
Will share more funny phrases soon! keep a lookout haa..
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Where's your heart at?
He just told me to Keep quiet, be still and hear his voice.
The Lord started bringing stuff out onto the surface. about what the real condition of my heart is. As i was at the bus stop today, wrote these words...
I come into your presence with my hands lifted up
where's your heart at you ask and i got stuck
forms and acts of worship you don't require
but sincerity and brokeness is what you desire
where's your heart at when you clap your hands?
where's your heart at when you close your eyes and the tears flow?
where's your heart at when you sing a new nice song?
My Lord, my God you see through my soul
In the stillness you quietly beckon me to hear your voice and let it calm my soul
Quite emo rite..lOL! but its really what the Lord is speaking to me..
Think we must all learn to take time and pause to really listen to read God's word and hear what he has to say to us at this moment.
Monday, April 30, 2007
This i Lily, another of my groupmate. She's my junior from singapore poly leh! and i've never seen her in my life. So wierd rite..see la take picture with her then never look at camera..
My big face and crazy groupmates at the background. All trying to have some fun while rushing our assignment on a saturday afternoon APV(Advanced property valuation) rocks!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Passing the test
I'm indeed blessed and privileged to be able to witness the wonders of God!
TRansformed lives are the best evidence. Even a glimpse of it makes in want more!
The Lord began to challenge me in the area of really giving my ALL to him.
Serve him, worship him with everything i have. All my resources!
So i told the Lord during easter camp that, ok i'm really gonna give my all from now on!!
Then came 21st April. Our Cg had a slumber party, originally supposed to be just bonding time for the Gals but it was decided that we should invite our frens for BBQ earlier in the day so that we can reach out as well. I was super excited.
When people started to come, i suddenly felt intimidated. Shyed away for a while. Until someone said "Sarah, why u so quiet? "
The Lord then helped me realise that i was letting fear of getting out of my comfort zone get the better of me. I know some people must be thinking..."sarah fear of meeting new people??" no way man...BUT it really happened..
What happened to the fire of reaching out?? Giving my all to the LOrd?? IT didn't seem that way anymore. I realised that the Lord would always allow a situation to enable is to excercise what we said to him before.
Wanting the Lord's heart, He looked at people and loved them (Rich young ruler story)
Am i able to do that??
Lord help me to know how..
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Cockles Galore!
Finished Product! ok although both looks almost the same, but they have different "flavours". 1 of the bowls is Garlic and chilli , the other is with Sambal chilli, 1 with garlic and white wine!! i can't remember the last one lOL! We get excited over stuff cooked in sambal chilli because its quite rare here haha..esp singapore made sambal Chilli! woohoOO! (the sambal chilli is courtesy of 1 of my housemate's mum!)Finally eveything has been cooked and we're more then eager to start!
We did this like the 2nd week of sch. So all still very happy and relaxed lol.. BAck to work!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Happy Happy Happy!
THey need to know that God has a purpose for them and life is not meaningless!!
As a connect group , Winnie, Kareeann, jasmine and myself have been praying for our unsaved friends. Today Suyin(Kareeann's housemate) and Jaborine(one of the medicine students , i think that is how you spell her name loL!) came for service!! Praise the LORd!
didn't get to really ask them what they thought of it..but pray with me that the Lord will continue to work in their hearts.
Its just amazing to see what the Lord is doing in the hearts of our friends!
As i look at the whole picture, i can't help but give Thanks to God as i see his salvation plan unfold..It helps me to also understand and feel a bit more of his heartbeat to bring every person to himself.
The harvest is really plentiful..Are we ready to be his workers?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Has my fren heard the good news?
quite happy that class is gonna be over so that i can go drink coffee to keep myself awake for the next class!!
My lecturer left the class for a while and when she came back she said : Guys.. somebody just jumped down from the block next to ours , the police and the ambulance are down there now. so don't be afraid just walk the other way."
The whole class stood silent for a while then after a few moments small discussions were going on in the class. All of us started asking..was it a local or asian , male or female, why did he/she jump? and a whole host of other questions. All the questions turned into speeculation that maybe he/she had a bad break up...maybe he/she couldn't take the stress of school etc..Or maybe she accidentally fell down?? sars.....
Class ended soon after and when we walked down..the police cordoned off the area with a tape that says "crime scene" , people were trying to get a closer look but were chased away by the police and some of theUni staff. Discussions were still going on.
we walked along the other side and i had a full view of the covered body, saw some remnants of what seemed to be blood and some smashed body parts. I got quite taken aback by what i saw.
A life ended just like that.
Prob the question that i should ask is....has this person heard the Gospel??
I kinda questioned myself, what if that was my friend that has not heard the gospel before?
sometimes i think that as christians, yes we must watch our lives to see if we're living a life pleasing to God. BUT we forgot the part where Christ calls us to preach the gospel! or rather we don't see the urgency of people coming to the Lord.
It can be seen in the way we do our contact work, the effort we put in to bring our frens for events. the way we relate to them etc.
Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ has eternal Life! thank God for that!
But those who do not know the Lord also has eternal life! BUT away from the presence of God forever leh!! How horrible is that?!? (do you even think its horrible?)
Thats something for us to think and take action on..jia you all!!
Till then..
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
cockling at goolwa beach
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Been a week since i came back to good ol' Adelaide..
Nothing's change over 3 months except everybody came back here with diff hairstyles glasses etc...lOL!
i was kinda more prepared to come back this time but leaving is still very hard.
I was ok at the airport coz Rachel was with me..up till...............
I reach adelaide...came home and started Unpacking ALONE in my house................wahhhhh
as i was hanging each piece of clothing...the tears started to flow out drop by drop.
Lonely, homesick, thinking of another difficult year ahead...sigh..
The Lord quickly reminded me not to forget that he has a purpose for me being here.
also a time of preparation for the future that is ahead of me..
Our God is an awsome God that never fails to comfort me! through his word and through people.
When i went to the living room..Michelle wrote a note welcoming me back and even cooked fried rice for me and kept it in the fridge liao.
At night, winnie came over to stay with me coz she knew i'll be alone in the house...so nice hoh!!
Thank God for them!!
school load is piling up man...All the assignments due dates are together!!!!
HELP!! Jia you!!
wah 2am liao..till theN!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Aussieland here i come!! AGAIN!!
Pic taken at the impromptu steamboat. First ever man...when i asked mum if we could have the steamboat at our place i was so scared she'll scold me. IT went like that Sarah: Mum...Umm Ben's place the electricity dun have liao can we have steamboat at our place coz we but food all that already..*crinching, expecting a scolding* Mum: ahahahahha! ok loh! *end* So spontaneous i like!! lol..
Went on a Family Trip to Kuala LumPur! We visited the highest twin towers in the world! The Petronas!! *grand music plays* queued early in the morning for the tickets leh!! But then we didn't get to go to the highest floor la..however, Sherm and i took a lot of act cute pics which i will not put up here lOL!
ok this shall be the first segment to a 2 part series..stayed tuned..